Katie Billheimer
So...if you made it here, you probably already know I'm a graphic designer, perhaps you are aware I'm a photographer as well, but what I want you to know is that I am a woman with a brain, with struggles, and with passions. On this page, I want you to get to know more about the real me, not just a piece of paper of accomplishments, some strengths, and a job history.
It is so important to me that I can be comfortable being myself, that you can feel comfortable being yourself, and that we can connect on more than just a transactional level. So first, I will give you access to my personal instagram...! This account is where I like to show my creative processes, travel and professional photography, and take the opportunity to be honest about life and my thoughts [I've shared a few samples below to give you an idea].
There's a lot to dislike about social media, but I'm so grateful for an outlet where my various thoughts, photos, illustrations, video...can all be connected through design. Many artists [myself included] have struggled with finding time to make their own art and dedicate time to personal projects, But I have found it immensely satisfying and helpful to others to be able to be open and honest in this way.
As I've mentioned, I love working in multiple mediums and am always hungry to learn new things. This could be from different cultures and how others see the world, how to experiment with new skills, or mixing it all together [view my project creating Bel Ordon to see what I mean]. Through working with different clients—not just from different parts of the world, but from different fields and focuses [NGO's → Small Businesses → Law Firms → Real Estate Developers → Global Health Departments → Universities → Local Artists and Designers...etc.], I've had the honor to be able to learn what fuels other people, what they want to invest in and share with others, and why it's so important—all in the name of design!
so when I was looking for a name for my business, I loved the idea of a window seat as, not only do i love flying, but it really ENCOMPASSEd THE IDEA that I get to put myself IN A new seat with each project—I get to SEE THE WORLD THROUGH ANOTHER ANGLE and meet so many different people. then I get to reflect my perspective back to my clients and give them a fresh perspective.
It's like another form of travel!
It's like another form of travel!
If you're interested in connecting and discussing how I might make your next project liftoff [excuse the pun...], I would be more than happy to meet for a coffee ☕️ and learn more about your ideas!
~ In person or virtually ~